Monday, August 4, 2008

Convention Excitement & Swaps

It was so fun and amazing when the UPS man came out with a box, and Shelli announced that EVERYONE there was going to recieve a Free Stamp Set! :) The crowd went wild and confetti fell down all around. Here is Lori (purple) who is my sis-in-law and downline and Kresta (my cousin-in-law) in green. I also have just a few of my favorite swaps...I need to retake a few more batches of pictures. The cupcake was our dessert for lunch one day...too cute! The adorable gift set is from Corie...thank you! It's a new In-Color Swatch that includes items and order numbers from the catalog for each of the new 6 colors! The cupcake container is a game! The rectangular one is a wrapped pack of gum...she's so talented and sweet!

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