Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Is it wrong....

that while trying to fall asleep I have layouts and color schemes running through my obsessed mind? I can't get away from Stampin' Up! to even rest and sleep! I guess things could be worse. I'm thrilled to be a speaker at my Upline's annual event in April. (Michelle Halleen) I'll be speaking about recruiting others to join Stampin' Up! I am very nervous...especially since the other speakers are all well-known and "seasoned" demos...and I'm not. But...I know others that are newer will like to hear about what's working in my biz.


Anonymous said... are truly addicted...but you could be addicted to far worse least that's what my hubby says!'s really bad when you see everything as a card layout...wallpaper think...hey, that would make a great card color combo...or you start seeing the grass as glorious green, the sky as bashful blue, no those shoes aren't pink...they are pixie pink...then you know you are beyond help!

Patty Bennett said...

You are going to do a fantastic job!! Everyone will love you! And I look forward to meeting you in person there! :) So... re: your obsession... it's normal! LOL The other night after making those Carousel Note Purses.. I dreamed my blankets were HUGE carousel note cards in chocolate chip! LOL Now THAT'S obsessed! :) Patty

Anonymous said...

I would definitely say what you're feeling is normal. I go to bed at night thinking about card layouts and scrapbook page layouts. I am so excited for you. What a wonderful opportunity to speak at an event. I hope I reach that level some day. I'm really interested to hear what you have to say and I know you'll be great. I keep saying I am soooo lucky to have you as my upline and it's true.

Anonymous said...

That's so cute! The other day I bought a cute new green shirt, and I instantly thought "this would be a cute color for an easter card!"